
WiFi Thermostats

Smart thermostats, like Nest & Ecobee, operate just like a standard thermostat, however, they are connected to the internet, which allows you to adjust the settings from your smart-device. This will ensure your home or business is comfortable when you arrive, while saving on energy costs while you are away.

Zone Control Systems

AMHAC provides a full line of Carrier Zone controls, these systems allow you to create individual areas of control for your home or business even when you have a singular duct system. As needed, the system will allow for more cold or hot area to flow into the parts of the home or business that need it. This further improves indoor comfort while maintaining peak energy-efficiency. The Comfort Zone II digital thermostat from Carrier allows you to program temperature and humidity levels in 7-day cycles, in up to 8 zones.

For further information on modern thermostats or to get one installed in your home or business, call us directly at (914) 337-5555 to speak with an expert.

Awards & Certifications

Harrison, NY

Rye, NY

Larchmont, NY

Chappaqua, NY: Greenwich, CT

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