
Professional Oil to Gas Conversion Services

Natural gas is one of the cleanest and most efficient fossil fuels. It is significantly cheaper when compared to rational heating oil as well, so much so that the energy savings significantly offsets the upfront. costs to convert to natural gas. You may qualify for various rebates as well for making the change from oil to natural gas.

The cost of conversion can vary from project to project, but our process is smooth and optimized to ensure timeliness and efficiency. The two main costs to consider are the internal conversion cost and the capital construction cost. Any work we do to your property, along with the equipment and materials we need, accounts for the internal conversion cost. The capital construction cost includes what the utility company will need to have your gas lines set up.

Contact AMHAC to convert your oil heating system to natural gas!

If you’re ready to make the investment into cleaner, cost-efficient heating, then call us today.

Awards & Certifications

Yonkers, NY

Riverdale, NY

Greenwich, CT

Switching to Natural Gas, Oil to Gas Conversion & Oil To Gas Conversion Eastchester, NY, Scarsdale, NY, New Rochelle, NY, White Plains, NY, Bronxville, NY & Mamaroneck, NY

Oil To Gas Conversion in Eastchester, NY | Oil to Gas Conversion Scarsdale, NY | Switching to Natural Gas New Rochelle, NY

Oil to Gas ConversionOil To Gas ConversionSwitching to Natural Gas ∴ New Rochelle, NY ∴ Mamaroneck, NY ∴ White Plains, NY